Schofield, WI 54476
1360 sqft
1360 SF for storage. Has 12-foot overhead door and side entrance door. $907 per month plus expenses (triple net).
8160 sqft
8160 SF with two 12-foot overhead doors and office with bathroom.
Wausau, WI 54403
3 Bed | 1 Bath
3+ bedroom single family home located at 716 Lincoln Ave. This home features new carpeting, first floor laundry, nice yard, one car garage plus a storage shed....
Studio | 1 Bath | 700 sqft
Office space for rent. Located at 1323 Everest Ave (Unit #5) in Schofield. 700 SF of office space with bathroom. $700 per month (triple net). Please message me...
Wausau, WI 54401
1 Bed | 1 Bath
Large upper studio apartment in a 4 plex located at 302 S 5th Ave. Available immediately. Rent is $650 including utilities. Off street parking in back. We wil...
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